To participate in any presentations (Paper / Project) a candidate need to upload a copy of Abstract and Documentation to
1. In the Subject Section, mention the title of your presentation.
2. In the Body Section mention the name of the participant(s).
3. Mention the college names of the participants.
4. Mention the Department name to which you belong.
5. Attach the Document with document name as title name.
Note: the document to be of MS Word type and in IEEE format
For an easy approach copy the below mentioned frame and paste it in your Gmail Body section:
Contestant 1 Name:
Contestant 2 Name:
Contestant 3 Name:
College of Contestant 1:
College of Contestant 2:
College of Contestant 3:
Department Name :
Paper/Project :
Paper/Project Title :
Contestant 2 Name:
Contestant 3 Name:
College of Contestant 1:
College of Contestant 2:
College of Contestant 3:
Department Name :
Paper/Project :
Paper/Project Title :